
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

super power

It's chilly, but not October chilly.

Just enough damp coolness to feel pleasurable upon going outside in the dark morning after having a hot flash.  

If hot flashes were a super power I would be invincible.

Maybe I already am.

Monday, October 26, 2020

show up

Weekends move so slow when the weather turns dark and cool.  Yet, they fly by.  The two days I need so desperately to shut down, do nothing.  Shed.  

Then, Monday comes again.  I ready myself to show up for the littles who come downstairs from their shelter rooms, family dormitories, to spend their day in the Head Start program.  Showing up.  This is what's exhausting.  Not the lesson plan or the stress of teaching skills they will need to know for kindergarten.  Showing up.  Being with them.  In the moment.  In every moment.  To absorb, to hold.  To laugh and give hope.

This is more than enough to keep going.

Who are you showing up for today?